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AX Faction Gilded Saint Dragon Hunter

Gilded Saint Dragon Hunter

We recently completed a Pin-up miniature commission. The miniature is the Gilded Saint Dragon Hunter from a company called AX Faction. They’re web site indicated that the miniatures they produce tend to be Pin-ups relating to fantasy hunters.

Dreadball Big Mech

More Dreadball!

We’re currently in the middle of a Dreadball commission involving miniatures from season 2 and season 3. All the miniatures are painted to ‘Standard level’.

Chaos Decimator

Chaos Decimator Completed

The Chaos Decimator has been completed. The only instructions for this commission were that it had to be dark and grim, weathered and in red and gold colour scheme. It’s very war damaged and as such I’ve used a lot of weathering powders and soot powders around exhausts and joints. The feet have kicked up some dirt so they are weathered in a dirty brown as well.


Whats on the painting table

I’ll take this chance between completing commissions to show you whats we’re all working on at the moment. I’ve got a selection of items that are all running currently. I like to paint multiple different things at any one time to ensure that I don’t get bored and thus let my painting standards slip. All the work range from ‘standard quality’ right through to Display quality (see if you can gues which is which).


Dreadfleet Commission Completed

We have just finished another Dreadfleet Commission. Thats noew 5 Dreadfleet commissions comeplted in 2 years. I must admit that this particular box set instills fear into me. The miniatures are exceptionally detailed plastic models. The color schemes for each of the ships is quite varied and each miniature is so very individulaistic in it’s theme. Granted that once paitned the games does look very nice, but getting it painted does take a large amount of time and energy.


Wayland Games Free Shipping

Wayland games are currently offering free shipping world wide until the 12th of February*. Go to their website and enter the following voucher code to get the free shipping:


Black Templar Captain

Black Templar Force

Just a quick update to show you another commission that was recently completed. This one was for a small Black Templar force that was painted to Standard Quality. A Black Templar commander, a Techmarine and his retinue of servitors. The Commander was supplied to us with a custom base which was painted to look like marble.

Dystopian Wars Islands

Dystopian Wars Scenery

To compliment my Prussian Fleet (and soon to be painted Brittanian fleet) and to allow some scenery on my Dystopian Wars board, I bought and painted some islands. Yes I could have built some islands from scratch my I currently don’t have the time and I wanted to get something on the board as soon as possible.


Dystopian Wars Prussian Fleet Completed

During the Christmas holidays, for a present I gave myself a day off painting commissions and decided to finish off my Prussian fleet. Honestly I have a few more ships like a carrier and the fighter crafts but I wasn’t worried about them for the moment, I just wanted to get the starter fleet box set and the Dreadnought completed. Well the day was well spent and all the ships were completed.

Canis Wolfborn

Space Wolves leap off the painting table

Another commission completed. Something different this time, an all mounted Space Marine Space Wolf force. I haven’t painted any Space Marine chapter other than Ultramarines and Imperial Fists in a long time, so it was a nice change to have these greys on the palette. The client wanted the miniatures to be close […]