Post Tagged with: "Dystopian Wars"


Dystopian Wars Japanese Fleet 3rd Batch

  This Dystopian Wars Japanese fleet is the 3rd and last batch of an ongoing commission. The previous batches (See these links: Part 1 of the commission and part 2 of the commission) contained ships from the 1st edition and 2nd edition of the Dystopian Wars rules. This commission was […]

Dystopian Wars Japanese Fleet
Weekly Updates

Whats on the Painting Table

Well another hectic week is over. Actually to be honest it was hectic due to all the family and outside commitments – something about the start of Spring means that everyone wants to get together and catchup. Any how there is two concurrent commissions running this week with both due […]


Japanese Dystopian Wars 2.0 Fleet

This week saw the completion of another Dystopian Wars commission. Again this was a continuation of a previous Japanese Dystopian Wars fleet. Most of the warships in this commission came from the Dystopian Wars 2nd edition starter box set.

The fleet included the warships, the water base, some merchant ships, a whole stack of counters and even some islands. Everything was magnetised including the small little cranes and cargo boxes for the merchant ships.

Dystopian Wars - Japanese Fleet

Dystopian Wars Japanese Fleet

Another week another commission completed. We received this Dystopian Wars commission just prior to the release of the new 2.0 version of the game. This Japanese Fleet is to complement the starter box set when released (we have just received the Japanese fleet from that box set now).

battle fleet Gothic Board

Getting some game boards made

Recently I took some time off painting miniatures to devout some energy to the actual war gaming aspect of the hobby. I haven’t really had a chance to play any wargames for a long time (other then some x-wing). One of the main reasons for my lack of wargaming is that I don’t really own any playing surfaces or terrain.

Weekly Updates

Whats on the painting table

Very quick update this week. Its been madness at the moment, though a lot of things are being painted and getting off the holding shelves, there is still a stack more miniatures to be completed this month.

Weekly Updates

Whats on the painting table

Well lots of painting has been going on in the past week. We had completed painting some Dungeon Quest miniatures, a Khador miniature as well as a Dryad – watch out for these posts this week. Here is what we’re currently working on.

Weekly Updates

Whats on the painting table

Well its been a while for a Whats on the Painting Table. There has been a stack of things going on over here, so much so that the website hasn’t been updated as much as I would like. The little project which I started 9 months ago finally came to completion which has taken me off line for the past several weeks.

Dystopian Wars Islands

Dystopian Wars Scenery

To compliment my Prussian Fleet (and soon to be painted Brittanian fleet) and to allow some scenery on my Dystopian Wars board, I bought and painted some islands. Yes I could have built some islands from scratch my I currently don’t have the time and I wanted to get something on the board as soon as possible.


Dystopian Wars Prussian Fleet Completed

During the Christmas holidays, for a present I gave myself a day off painting commissions and decided to finish off my Prussian fleet. Honestly I have a few more ships like a carrier and the fighter crafts but I wasn’t worried about them for the moment, I just wanted to get the starter fleet box set and the Dreadnought completed. Well the day was well spent and all the ships were completed.