on 01/09/2023 at 5:00 pm ×
Let’s dive into the world of tabletop gaming and see how I turned a small village house from Tabletop World into something that will stand out on the gaming table. This story is all about how I painted it in darker colors, so the lights from the windows and cracks […]
on 25/06/2018 at 1:29 pm ×
Arvus Lighter – Warhammer 40k Shuttles These Arvus Lighter transports from Forge World were painted to level 3 quality. They were painted primarily as scenery pieces to be used for the client’s games.
on 24/03/2018 at 4:00 pm ×
Following up on our last post, here are some Industrial Loaders to go within the scenery. These are Forge World sentinels with some now no longer made loader arms. These were painted to level 3 quality and painted in industrial yellow to match the industrial scenery from the last post.
on 23/03/2018 at 3:35 pm ×
This time round we have lots of Warhammer 40k scenery completed. Unfortunately I don’t have a large enough photo booth to capture all the scenery in their glory, so I’ve taken the photos on the assembly table and the spray booth. The structures are from the new Warhammer 40k/Necromunda scenery […]
on 24/08/2017 at 2:47 pm ×
Vehicles from Miniature Scenery These awesome futuristic vehicles are made from MDF from a company called Miniature Scenery. These were painted up in a generic construction yard yellow where they could fit in with either Warhammer 40k games or other futuristic game such as Infinity. Vehicles from Games Workshop These […]
on 09/05/2017 at 2:58 pm ×
Ok we’re back from leave and time to put up some images of some terrain we completed before we left. Lots of 40k buildings, all painted to our level 3 quality and some mild weathering (nothing crazy here).
on 05/11/2016 at 6:00 pm ×
Over the past 6 months we have painted a lot of buildings for our local tournament organiser. There have been many buildings and some very large scenery pieces that have been completed (and a lot more still awaiting painting so keep tuned). All these miniatures were painted to Level 3 […]
on 17/06/2016 at 4:30 pm ×
Something a little different here. A while back we painted a Forge World Imperial Redoubt board. This Turbo Blaster Turret was intended for that board (we didn’t receive it until some time afterwards). This turret was painted to Level 3 and had some weathering applied to it so that it […]
on 27/01/2016 at 1:29 pm ×
Just before Christmas we received this wonderful client created ‘mount rushmore’ of the Primarchs for a Horus Heresy event. This piece was going to be a centerpiece feature on the the gaming table. The mountain was constructed in 3 pieces, the base, the torso and then heads. 20 heads were […]
on 25/01/2016 at 11:17 am ×
Just before the Christmas shutdown and our studio move, I managed to paint a small Warhammer Fantasy Chapel. This model is now discontinued in favor of the Age of Sigmar scenery. I must admit that it is one of my favorite models from the Warhammer Fantasy scenery line. The roof […]