
Whats on the painting table

I’ll take this chance between completing commissions to show you whats we’re all working on at the moment. I’ve got a selection of items that are all running currently. I like to paint multiple different things at any one time to ensure that I don’t get bored and thus let my painting standards slip. All the work range from ‘standard quality’ right through to Display quality (see if you can guess which is which).

Chris is currently working on ‘tabletop quality’ for Descent 1st edition board game heroes. Lee is working on Space Hulk 3rd edition ‘tabletop quality’.

There are more commissions currently making they’re way on to the workbench but are not in a state where I would bother showing images yet.

Wes’s Workbench

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Chris’s Workbench

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Lee’s Workbench

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