Blood Bowl Orcs & Skaven
Still catching up with the my outstanding posts, here are some Blood Bowl miniatures which were painted to a level 3 quality. Both and Orc and a Skavin team.
Still catching up with the my outstanding posts, here are some Blood Bowl miniatures which were painted to a level 3 quality. Both and Orc and a Skavin team.
Not much to say here except Blood Bowl DWARVES!!!! These are some old school dwarves for Blood Bowl (I have no idea which edition). These were painted to Level 3 and to the clients color scheme. I had a lot of fun painting these little guys – I love the […]
Recently I’ve had a resurgent interest in Games Workshop now defunct specialist games lines. In particular Blood bowl. Back in the day I never really had time to get into the game and really didn’t have too many people around me that played.
We’ve had a very busy past several weeks, so i’ve not had time to put up as many posts as I would like. So I’ll give an update as to what we have done and whats on our plate at the moment.
As part of a larger Blood Bowl team commission, these Chaos Warriors were painted up to a High Quality standard.
Apologies all, its been a few weeks without a commissions update. This was due largely to all the flu and sickness going around. So very little was painted and I was too sick to put up any updates. Thus this weeks update is a little larger than normal. This week has had a lot of Warmachine miniatures painted up (which is makes a nice change from the normal Games Workshop products).
Well things have started to get back to normal. Alot of the commissions that needed to be completed for Late March have been completed and the April commissions have begun. Here are this weeks updates.