
Ultramarines Sicaran Tank & Storm Raven

Ultramarines Sicaran Tank Ultramarine Storm Eagle

This week we painted up an Ultramarine Sicaran Tank and a Storm Raven. The blue colours were painted like the Ultramarine Dreadnought in our tutorial. Both vehicles were weathered with exhaust fumes. dust on the treads and a small amount of OSL for the red lighting as well (oh and the green OSL on the Storm Raven pilots).

Here are the rest of the pictures:

Storm Raven

The Storm Raven had its base coats airbrushed on. The edge highlights were painted on manually by brush. The Pilot and co-pilot were painted with a green OSL techniques to give the impression that the console was putting out a glow on to their bodies.

Ultramarine Storm Eagle Ultramarine Storm Eagle
Ultramarine Storm Eagle Ultramarine Storm Eagle
Ultramarine Storm Eagle


Sicaran Tank

The Sicaran Tank was airbrushed its base coats on and like the Storm Raven, the highlights were hand painted on. Weathering powders were used on the tank tracks and around the exhausts. Etched Brass Ultramarine components from Forge World were used over both models and generally painted in a gold finish.

Ultramarines Sicaran Tank Ultramarines Sicaran Tank
Ultramarines Sicaran Tank Ultramarines Sicaran Tank
Ultramarines Sicaran Tank




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