
Dystopian Wars Japanese Fleet 3rd Batch


This Dystopian Wars Japanese fleet is the 3rd and last batch of an ongoing commission. The previous batches (See these links: Part 1 of the commission and part 2 of the commission) contained ships from the 1st edition and 2nd edition of the Dystopian Wars rules. This commission was to round off both of those commissions with the big guns of the ocean as well as air power.

The ships were painted to match the previous batches in their bone and red color scheme. The water colour on the bases were painted to match the playing field of the clients.

Here are the images of this entire batch:

Dystopian Wars - Japanese Fleet Dystopian Wars - Japanese Fleet
Dystopian Wars - Japanese Fleet Dystopian Wars - Japanese Fleet
Dystopian Wars - Japanese Fleet Dystopian Wars - Japanese Fleet
Dystopian Wars - Japanese Fleet Dystopian Wars - Japanese Fleet
Dystopian Wars - Japanese Fleet Dystopian Wars - Japanese Fleet
Dystopian Wars - Japanese Fleet Dystopian Wars - Japanese Fleet



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