
Ladies of 40k Commission

Another set of miniatures for an ongoing client’s Warhammer 40k Sister of Battle / Imperial army and a Dark Elder army. The Sister’s army is primarilya purple, blacks and greys. The miniature being painted for this army is from Bombshell Miniatures; Bug Spray. I like the look of this miniature, reminds me of the current trend for female heros of Zombie games. She is clothed in a tank top and shorts with a massive gun.

The second miniatures comes from Studio McVey; Shisou. This miniature was a beautifully cast resin miniature with very clear detail. It was a pleasure to clean up and paint. This miniature was to be mounted on a Dark Elder hover board, with the color scheme matching the existing army of black with blue runes and markings. Both miniatures were to be completed without bases.

Here are the results:

Bug Spray Girl Bug Spray Girl Bug Spray Girl Bug Spray Girl Dark ElderDark ElderDark ElderDark Elder

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