
Kevan & Eddard

Kevan & Dddard painted for Battle of Westeros

Another two characters from Battle of Westeros have been completed. This time one from the Lannisters and one from the Starks; Kevan and Eddard.

The painting began with the usual black undercoat prior to basecoating and highlighting.

We began with Kevan first.

The red coat, tabard and shield were basecoated with a 2:1 mix of black and GW Blood red. It was then layered several times using several mixes of the basecoat, each time adding more Blood red until the final highlight was pure Blood red.

The yellow on the shield was basecoated in GW Iyanden yellow. It was mixed with a 2:1 of Iyanden yellow and white and the tips and corners of the shield were painted. The lion on the shield was painted pure black using a very fine brush.

The leggings and clothing on the arms were base coated GW Dheneb Stone and highlighted with a 1:1 mix of Dheneb Stone and white.

Finally two yellow llines (Iyanden Yellow) were painted across the cape with a very fine brush.

Eddard Stark’s Cape was painted first. It was painted in a basecoat of GW Astronomican Grey and highlighted several times with white until the final highlight achieved was a 1:1 mix of Astronomican Grey and white.

The cape’s fur ending was basecoated with a 1:1 mix of Astronomican grey and white. It was then stippled with a fine paint brush with pure white to give it a disjointed fur effect.

The metal armour was base coated with GW Gun Metal and highlighted with GW Mithril silver. No further highlights between these colours were needed due to the size of the miniature.

Finally Eddard’s jacket was painted in GW Calthan brown. It was then given a GW Devlan Mud wash paying particular attention the recesses. Highlights to the jacket were made by adding GW Bleached bone to Calthan Brown until the final highlight was achieved of a 1:1 mix.

The bases of both miniatures were painted in GW Gretchin Green and flocked.

Kevan & Dddard painted for Battle of Westeros

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