Red Space Wolves Drop Pod
Another commission completed. The criteria for this Space Marine Drop Pod was to paint it red with suitable weathering for the Space Wolves chapter.
Another commission completed. The criteria for this Space Marine Drop Pod was to paint it red with suitable weathering for the Space Wolves chapter.
A returning client is adding more Imperial Fist Space Marine components to his army; Thunderfire cannon, Sternguard Veterans, scouts and lots of Drop Pods.
I’ve used the normal tried and true way of painting Imperial Fist Space Marines as discussed in previous posts again. There was a slight difference in the way I applied the weathering to the Drop Pods though…. I finally got an airbrush and just had to let loose with it.
Well there has been a flurry of activity surrounding the Imperial Fist Space Marine commission, and now i’m happy to advise that this wave has been completed. It was a great commission that had a large variety of painting to be done, from the Space Marines themselves, dreadnoughts, vehicles up the Storm Raven. Here are the pictures.
I’ve been off for the past few weeks in preparation for the Australian CANCON convention. Playing games, buying goodies and just enjoying the atmosphere. Now that it’s over its back to business. Firstly there is a backlog of posts to catch up on showing some of the commission and display pieces that […]
The Special Character chaplain from the Dark Vengeance box set was painted as Imperial Fist Chaplain. This special character is only attainable for a limited time through the Dark Vengeance box set. There was some minor conversion work done to the miniature.The Dark Angel heraldry was scrapped and cut off the […]
Some Space Marine bikes from the Dark Vengeance box set join the Imperial Fist army. Like the other Dark Vengeance box set Space Marines, the Dark Angel heraldry was removed (cut, filed and Green puttied). The commission request was to leave the wings and feathers on the bikes. The wings at […]
The next batch of Imperial Fist marines have been completed for the army commission. These Imperial Fist terminators have been converted from the Dark Vengeance box set to have all dark angel heraldry removed. They were painted in the same way as mentioned in the post below. The only part […]