
Space Hulk Brother Noctis

Space Hulk Brother Noctis

When I began painting the rest of the Space Marines, I wanted to try some more painting techniques that I would not normally use on my play miniatures. I’ve tried to stimulate the eerie confines of a space hulk using lots of lighting and shadows. The shades started quiet dark […]


Dreadfleet Commission – Update

After a few questions I’d thought I would make this quick update: The box sets will be starting in a bit over a week, with work taking between 8-12 weeks to complete.   Payment is not required until the end of the commission. We still have two openings, so get in […]

Space Hulk Librarian

Space Hulk Librarian

I’ve just started painting the Space Hulk box set and already finished the first terminator (several nights work). I think it came up quite good for such a small amount of time. It also gave me the opportunity to play with lighting and shades a little more. I’m trying to […]

Space Hulk Blood Angel Librarian painting in progress

Space Hulk & Ultramarines

Just a quick update to show some of the miniatures i’m currently working on. We currently have a Space Hulk Commission which I have begun on. I started base coating the Blood Angel Terminators first, but my attention though seems to be focused on the librarian with his deep blue hues. Here […]

Painted Dreadfleet Boardgame

Dreadfleet Commissions Completed

All the first batch of Dreadfleet commissions have now been completed and have been shipped and will be shipped shortly. Funnily enough, I haven’t finished painting my own ships and have yet to play the game properly yet. With a few of the commission fleets still on hand I just had to […]


Commission Update

Hi everyone, Thank you for all your responses, all four spots are now filled. We may endeavour to do this again later, but in the meantime we have our hands full. If you have any interest in a Dreadfleet commission, please don’t hesitate to contact us using our contact form. […]

Dreadfleet Skull Island

Dreadfleet – Island Updates

I’ve just finished painting all the islands and wrecks in the game. The most fun was the volcano. I tried several different styles to paint the lava and in particular, the volcano hole. In the end I decided against painting the lava crusts and made it appear very hot with […]