A quick run through on how i’ve painted the red on the Blood Angel Terminators from Space Hulk.
I started by undercoating the terminators in black. I the located the areas that were to be painted in red and painted several thin layers of GW Blood Red. I did this rather then base coating in something like GW Mechrite Red as i wanted the dark undercoated to come through the red a little.
Once the red was dry, I made a mix of 3:1 GW Chaos Black and Blood red and located the areas on the terminator that would be in shadow if a light was cast from above. I painted these areas in the very dark red (see the below photos).
From here i mixed a 1:1 of Chaos Black and Blood red and proceeded to blend up through four or five shades until i reach pure Blood Red from the dark shadow areas out to the areas in light (See photos below). I then painted a very light mix of 1:1 Chaos Black and Blood Red and water it down heavily across the shade to assist in the blend. I then redid the previous dark blending again over this until the blends were transparent and I could not see the differing layers.
Once the shadow areas were painted up, it was time to do the highlights. The Highlights were to be subtle with very little contrast to the Blood red. I made a mix of 1:1 GW Vomit Brown and Blood red and located the areas that were to be in the glow from the above light and painted it through several tints back to the Blood Red.
These areas were painted over with a very watered down Blood red and the above highlighting was reapplied until the layers became indistinguishable.
The below pictures show a work in progress, photos on the left are the terminator with the dark shadow applies as an indicators for where i was to blend the shadows out from. The photos on the right are the terminator with the dark shadow blending. The last photos shows the finished product with the highlights also applied.
(Apologies for the photos, I really do need a macro lens and I really need to find time to make a light box!)