Painting Tutorials / Showcase
on 08/11/2012 at 6:00 pm ×
When I first looked at the Swordfysh, I thought it would be relatively simple to paint the ship; it was mostly black. Unfortunately I was quite wrong. There is enough detail and stark contrast colours to ensure that there was many touch ups and cock-eyed painting going on. So let’s […]
Painting Tutorials / Showcase
on 07/11/2012 at 6:00 pm ×
Painting the Dreadfleet’s Seadrake is relatively simple compared to some of the other ships in the box set. This article will explain how we painted the ship.
on 06/11/2012 at 6:00 pm ×
The Dreadfleet Flaming Scimitar has been painted for our current Dreadfleet commission. It follows the same colour scheme and painting techniques seen in the Painting Flaming Scimitar post. Below are some more images from the commission for the Flaming Scimitar. Dreadfleet Flaming Scimitar
on 13/10/2012 at 6:00 pm ×
Two more ships have been completed for the Dreadfleet commission; the Dreadfleet Black Kraket and Shadewraith. You can find details of how these ships (as well as the other parts of Dreadfleet) have been painted through the Dreadfleet tag. Dreadfleet Black Kraket and Shadewraith
News / Showcase
on 17/09/2012 at 3:24 pm ×
Hi everyone, I’ve returned from a week of holidays, a week of travelling for work and to top it all off, I’ve just moved house. Now that most of the move is over, I’ll be replying to all the emails and commission requests that have come through. In the meantime, […]
on 18/08/2012 at 6:00 pm ×
The next ship for the Dreadfleet Commission has been completed; The Curse of Zandri. For more information on how to paint this ship, see the following post: For more pictures of this latest commission, click on the link below.
on 17/08/2012 at 6:00 pm ×
The first of ship of the new batch of Dreadfleet Commissions is completed; The Heldenhammer. This ship is one of the most complicated ships to paint in the box, so I’m happy to have it out of the way first. For information on how to paint the Heldenhammer, see the following previous […]
on 20/06/2012 at 10:34 am ×
After a few questions I’d thought I would make this quick update: The box sets will be starting in a bit over a week, with work taking between 8-12 weeks to complete. Payment is not required until the end of the commission. We still have two openings, so get in […]
on 17/06/2012 at 10:07 am ×
Final call for your Dreadfleet Commission. Two spots have been taken out of the four. This will be the last time that we run a special on Dreadfleet, so check out the Dreadfleet gallery and the contact us through our contact form or our Facebook page.
on 12/06/2012 at 10:53 am ×
All the first batch of Dreadfleet commissions have now been completed and have been shipped and will be shipped shortly. Funnily enough, I haven’t finished painting my own ships and have yet to play the game properly yet. With a few of the commission fleets still on hand I just had to […]