on 30/10/2017 at 1:41 pm ×
Back to some more Kingdom Death. This time I’ve painted up the Gorm from the Kingdom Death Monster expansion. Its the plastic version rather then the resin, which I hoped meant that the fitting of the pieces would be solid. unfortunately the pieces didn’t fit very well especially around the […]
on 24/10/2017 at 11:52 am ×
UPDATE – All our Kingdom Death commission slots have now been taken. Keep an eye out later in 2018 for our Kingdom Death expansions specials. Level 5 Colour Scheme Examples Level 4 Colour Scheme Examples
on 08/08/2017 at 4:22 pm ×
This is part two of our Kingdom Death Monster commission. The first batch was covered in our previous post. We finally finished the Phoenix and the Nightmare Ram (not technically in the Kingdom Death Monster game, but still one of their miniatures). Both these miniatures were painted to our level […]
on 06/07/2017 at 5:13 pm ×
These Kingdom Death miniatures are all the resin models rather then the plastic miniatures that come with the Kingdom Death Monster base game and expansions (Except the Watcher). The level if detail difference between the resin miniatures and the plastic miniatures is quite noticeable. There is so much more defined […]
on 13/06/2017 at 3:47 pm ×
We seem to have a whole heap of Kingdom Death miniatures coming through as of late. Most of the commissions are at level 5 which entails Non-Metal Metallics being used on the armour and weaponry. This particular commission is at level 4, which means we will use real metallics for […]
on 14/03/2017 at 12:15 pm ×
I’ve just completed some more Kingdom Death Monster miniatures. Both the Manhunter and the Flower Knight were painted to our level 5 quality. This time rather than basing the miniatures on a rocky/craggy type base that I have done with the past commission miniatures, I gave the Manhunter a more red sandy desert look […]
on 10/01/2017 at 11:38 am ×
Another monster completed for Kingdom Death Monster baord game. This time its the Screaming Antelope. I’ve added some gore and gibbits to its gaping underneath maw. This miniature was painted to level 5 quality.
on 18/11/2016 at 5:00 pm ×
Some more buatiful Kingdom Death scuplts to paint. This time its the plastic Butcher from Kingdom Death Monster. The paint scheme as created by taking what colours could be identified from the images from the artwork in the rulebook. The candles on the fur coat were all given a OSL […]
on 05/09/2016 at 1:43 pm ×
We have finally finished the last of the survivors from all our Kingdom Death Monster commissions. These sets were both resin miniatures and were both painted to Level 5 quality. We’re now painting the monsters from the game so keep watching the updates for more images.
on 22/06/2016 at 4:30 pm ×
The next miniature completed for the Kingdom Death Monster commission is a monster rather then a human. The White Lion. As the name implies the White Lion is a lighter coloured lion then what you would find in the real world. I looked around the internet as to how other […]