I first saw Dreadball on kickstarter but failed (read that as forgot) to back it. At the time I had seen the concept miniatures and they look great, but I’m always fearful that when concepts translates to actual physical miniature that the results will be less than impressive. After failing to support the Dreadball kickstarter I forgot all about it.
Recently on my news channels and other social media, there has been a lot of talk about Dreadball which has gotten me interested in the game again. The miniatures look great and the game looks fast paced and fun. Finally a regular customer of ours sent through the Dreadball base game miniatures to be painted. I now had the miniatures in my hand and I must admit they are quite brilliant and beautifully detailed. Very little flash, no miscast and the plastic is not that soft rubbish (where parts bend with the heat) that you normally see with some board games.
Of course painting them was a pleasure, their details were well-defined and made it that much easier to paint. Here are the results: