
Addam & Tywin

Addam and Tywin painted from Battle of Westeros

The first characters on horse back are the Lannister’s Addam and Tywin. Both characters armour had to reflect their high born status and thus included a little gold (or a lot in Tywin’s case).

We begin by painting Addam…

Both miniatures were undercoated in black.

Addam’s metal armour was base coated with GW Gun Metal and highlighted with GW Mithril silver. No further highlights between these colours were needed due to the size of the miniature.

The red on the horse’s coat and his coat were basecoated with a 2:1 mix of black and GW Blood red. It was then layered several times using several mixes of the basecoat, each time adding more Blood red until the final highlight was pure Blood red.

The gold on the horse’s armour was basecoated in GW Shining Gold. It was then highlighted with GW Burnished Gold. Finally the extremes were highlighted with a 1:1 mix of Burnished Gold and Mithril Silver.

The horse was painted in a GW Bestial brown and highlighted up gradually (about three variants) with a mix of GW Bleached Bone.

Next to be painted was Tywin. His armour and horse’s armour was basecoated in GW Shining Gold. It was then highlighted with GW Burnished Gold. The next highlights were highlighted with a 1:1 mix of Burnished Gold and Mithril Silver. The extremes were highlighted with Mithril Silver.

Tywins Coat and the horse’s coat was  basecoated with a 2:1 mix of black and GW Blood red. It was then layered several times using several mixes of the basecoat, each time adding more Blood red until the final highlight was pure Blood red.

His horse was painted in the same way as Addam’s horse.

The bases of both miniatures were painted in GW Gretchin Green and flocked.


Addam and Tywin painted from Battle of Westeros


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