

20150608-Sons of Horus-017

This is our second time we have painted Horus from the Horus Heresy series from Forge World. Considering the size of the display base, the miniature and the base were painted in separate pieces. The Display stand was painted using our marble technique tutorial. Horus was painted to our Display standard with NMM techniques for the metal. I much prefer to use NMM with these miniatures as it allows greater emphasis of where the shadows and shades are located for dramatic effect. Finally Horus’ face was painted with a red glow to give that evil dramatic affect.

This Horus was painted to be part of a greater Horus Heresy force. Stay tuned for those images next.


Horus Warhammer Horus Warhammer
Horus Warhammer Horus Warhammer
Horus Warhammer

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