
Ferrus Manus, Primarch of the Iron Hands Space Marine Legion

I recently had the opportunity to paint up a Primarch from Forge World for a client. I myself don’t own any of the miniatures (yet) and do intend to get a whole stack of them as they’re released, but until then I couldn’t wait to see what type of quality these miniatures would be like.

Once I received it from the client and began assembly I noticed that the casting was very clean with very little filing and sanding needed. The miniatures components (and there was a heap of them) fitted together very nicely. The detail on this miniature was amazing.

So now that I have seen this miniature up close, I definitely want all the Primarchs in my display cabinet.

This commission miniature was painted to a display standard using non-metallic metals. It has been painted in a ‘clean’ style with minimal damage to either Ferrus or the dead bodies around him. The base has been weathered as well as the dead bodies and Ferrus’s feet.

You can find the miniature on Cool Mini or Not website here as well:

Ferrus Manus Ferrus Manus
Ferrus Manus Ferrus Manus
Ferrus Manus Ferrus Manus
Ferrus Manus
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One Comment

  1. Steven Phythian says:

    Wow, great looking figure! Love the skin tones.

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