Post Tagged with: "Game of Thrones"

Battle fo Westeros: Lords of the River

Battle of Westeros Characters

Finally all the Battle of Westeros expansions commission are completed with their characters now painted. Below are the finished characters from (links to Boardgamegeek):   Battles of Westeros: Tribes of the Vale Battles of Westeros: Wardens of the North Battles of Westeros: Wardens of the West Battles of Westeros: Lords of […]

Battle of Westeros Lannister Archers

More Lannisters Painted

The First wave of the Lannisters has been completed. It comprises of the footmen and archers from the Battle of Westeros box set by Fantasy Flight. I found the overall miniature quality quite good with very little flash to trim off it, and not much (though a little) bad molding.