

Mortarion the Demon Prince

Another commissions that has been completed a while ago that I haven’t put up on the website. Its Mortarion, Primarch of the Death Guard and demon prince of Nurgle. This one is a custom colour scheme provided by the client and painted to level 4 quality.


Horus Heresy Word Bearers Legion

I’ve finally have some spare time to upload some more completed miniature images from the studio. Even though we are currently not taking commissions, I’ll still be uploading images of completed miniatures from commissions as we work our way through to catching up. As such prepare for a whole lot […]


D&D Dragon Cultist Miniatures

This may look like i’ve reposted this series of miniatures again, but these were painted for another client. Guess lots of people running the same D&D campaign. These were painted to level 3 quality.


D&D RPG Miniatures

This is a nice and interesting commission. It was for a collection of monsters and D&D heroes that was being painted up for a clients campaign. These were painted to level 3 quality.


Ultramarine Fellblade

We recently completed this Forgeworld Falchion Legion tank for the Ultramarine Chapter. This was painted to our level 2 quality.


Blood Bowl Orcs & Skaven

Still catching up with the my outstanding posts, here are some Blood Bowl miniatures which were painted to a level 3 quality. Both and Orc and a Skavin team.


AOS Khorne Horde

Lots of bloodthirsty warriors for the blood god. These Khorne Age of Sigmar warriors were painted to level 3 quality. They’re painting scheme was to follow Games Workshop’s version as well as being based on a desert landscape.These were painted to level 3 quality.


Warhammer 40k Scenery – Industrial Loaders

Following up on our last post, here are some Industrial Loaders to go within the scenery. These are Forge World sentinels with some now no longer made loader arms. These were painted to level 3 quality and painted in industrial yellow to match the industrial scenery from the last post.


Lots of Warhammer 40k Scenery

This time round we have lots of Warhammer 40k scenery completed. Unfortunately I don’t have a large enough photo booth to capture all the scenery in their glory, so I’ve taken the photos on the assembly table and the spray booth. The structures are from the new Warhammer 40k/Necromunda scenery […]


Hordes Trollbloods

Lots more miniatures painted. These are Trollblood Warcasters from Hordes (Privateer Press). These were painted to level 4 quality, some on custom bases and others on extended basing. Most of the miniatures had some OSL glows painted on the weapon runes.