Post Tagged with: "Warmachine"

Weekly Updates

Whats on the painting table

Lots of new commissions arriving and completing this week. To begin with some nice Khador Winterguards are about to be completed and shipped out, keep an eye on the posts this week for more pictures of that.

A whole stack of inbound commissions have arrived and have begun going under the knife for cutting and cleaning. I’ll be working on some Infinity miniatures at the start of this month, with some Blood Bowl miniatures later in the month.

Vladimir Tzepesci

Vladimir Tzepesci, Great Prince of Umbrey

Vladimir is the first off the line of an upcoming Warmachine Khador army. The client is just beginning their Khador army and wants the whole army painted to Display quality (its going to look spectacular). The basic theme of the army will be to follow the Khador red colours of the studio and to have all the miniatures based on snow covered ground.

Weekly Updates

Whats on the painting table

Well its been a while for a Whats on the Painting Table. There has been a stack of things going on over here, so much so that the website hasn’t been updated as much as I would like. The little project which I started 9 months ago finally came to completion which has taken me off line for the past several weeks.

Painting Guide - Warcaster Ravyn
Painting Tutorials

Painting Guide – Warcaster Ravyn

I’ve recently started collecting a Retribution of Scyrah army for the Warmachine game. I liked the white color scheme of the studio army shown in the rule book but I hate painting white (such a pain to paint the shades). I decided that there two elements needed to be incorporated into my army. The first being that i’ll change the white of the color scheme to a pale grey. The second is that I wanted to paint the army to a high standard but not get bogged down in display quality when having to paint so many miniatures.