Painting Tutorials

Dreadfleet – Islands and Wrecks

Dreadfleet painting Islands and WrecksNow that we know how to paint water and have already painted the ghost ship, we can paint most of the scenery using these lessons. All that remains is how to paint rocks. I painted all the scenery like an assembly line, painting all the water on all the scenery items first, then the ship wrecks and then the rocks.  This allowed for any paint mixes that were made to be consistent across all the items.

Most of the islands and shipwrecks involve painting water, shipwrecks and rock out crops. I first went through and painted the water on any scenery that had it. When painting the water near the rock outcrops, paint it in the same way as you would the water bases for the ships, except you would pay particular attention to the wave splashes on the rocks. You would paint these splashed like you do the water crests.

Once the water is painted, paint and ship wrecks and floating wood pieces like you would the ghost ship. I would paint a little less green wash on these wreckage’s. Painting the wrecks like this is more personal taste than anything. Though I reasoned that if the ghost ship is a wreck of sorts, then my other wrecks should be the same.

Now that wrecks and water is painted, it’s time to do the rocks and then the wrecks.

Dreadfleet painting Islands and Wrecks Step 1Step 1

Undercoat the rocks in a mat black.










Dreadfleet painting Islands and Wrecks Step 2Step 2

Paint the rocks in GW Charadon Granite (a very dark grey). Sometimes when painting rocks, paint several coats on to build up some more texture for the later dry brushing which will need to be done.










Dreadfleet painting Islands and Wrecks Step 3Step 3

This step is optional. To give the rocks a more weathered sea feel, paint a little GW Tauspet Ochre and Gretchin Green. To simulate the moss and sea growth, blotch the paint on using a dry brush. Be careful not to over do it (unless that you want a very moss ridden rock).










Dreadfleet painting Islands and Wrecks Step 4Step 4

Dry brush the rocks using GW Fortress Grey. Use a top to bottom motion when dry brushing to simulate a granite look to the rocks.

Mix a little white into the grey (1:2) to and very lightly  dry brush the edges and tips of the rocks.

Mix some more white into the above mixture (1:1) and repeat as above but being even gentler with the dry brush strokes.









Dreadfleet painting Islands and Wrecks Step 5Step 5

Dry brush pure white on to the very tips and edges of the rocks. Be careful not to dry brush all the rock surface area with white, just the edges.









Dreadfleet painting Islands and Wrecks Step 6Step 6

To show that the water rises and declines, we will paint the tide level line around the rocks. Take GW Thraka green wash and paint a line around the base of the rocks. After this is dry, take GW Badab black wash and paint a smaller line on top of the green wash.









Dreadfleet painting Islands and Wrecks Step 7Step 7

We’re going to paint all the boat wreckages in a ghostly white to match the ghost ship. Paint the wreckage in GW Astronomican grey.








Dreadfleet painting Islands and Wrecks Step 8Step 8

Take GW Thraka green wash a blotch it around areas that have crevasses, corners, creases and anywhere else where it can seep into.








Dreadfleet painting Islands and Wrecks Step 9Step 9

Once the green wash is dry, using GW Astronomican Grey dry brush the whole wreckage again, leave the green wash only in the pockets.








Dreadfleet painting Islands and Wrecks Step 10Step 10

Using a mix of Astronomican Grey and white (1:), dry brush the wreck gently.

After doing this, dry brush pure white on the very tips and edges of the wreck.







Once complete you should now be able to replicate this across all the islands and wrecks contained in the board game.

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