
Warhammer 40k Psykers & Spawns

Chaos Space Marine Librarian

Well this was a nice commission to paint. Not only was there a variety of miniatures from different races but also a variety of painting quality styles. We have a Chaos Sorcerer painted to Display quality, several Chaos Spawns painted to standard quality and a Space Marine librarian painted to standard quality.

The client advised the colour scheme and the build types for the Chaos Spawns. It took a little while to put these spawns together as there were quite a lot of parts sift through to give each a unified appearance (one is spiky, the other more human with melting skin).

The Chaos Sorcerer was already built so saved me a huge amount of time prepping. The client wanted a particular paint scheme for him and being a Display quality miniature the gold and metal was painted in the NMM style.

The Librarian was to be assembled as per normal, though being Finecast there was no such thing as normal. So after a lot of cutting and filling bubble wholes with putty, it was ready for some paint.

Here are the end results:

Chaos Sorcerer – Display Standard

Chaos Space Marine Librarian Chaos Space Marine Librarian
Chaos Space Marine Librarian Chaos Space Marine Librarian
Chaos Space Marine Librarian

Space Marine Librarian & Chaos Spawns – Standard Quality

Space Marine Librarian Space Marine Librarian
Chaos Spawns Chaos Spawns
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