Post Tagged with: "Tutorial"

Undercoating a miniature in black
Painting Tutorials

Tues’s Tutes – Paint Preparation

Once you have cleaned your miniature from mold lines and any imperfections, it is time to assemble, patch any holes and then undercoat it.

Painting Dreadfleet Wrecks and Islands Step 8
Painting Tutorials

Dreadfleet – Islands and Wrecks

Now that we know how to paint water and have already painted the ghost ship, we can paint most of the scenery using these lessons. All that remains is how to paint rocks. I painted all the scenery like an assembly line, painting all the water on all the scenery […]

Tues’s Tutes – Cleaning
Painting Tutorials

Tues’s Tutes – Cleaning

Introduction to Tuesday’s Tutorials Each Tuesday I intend to present a step into painting a miniature to at least ‘Hero‘ level. To demonstrate this I will be using a Games Workshop Elf miniature for the Warhammer Quest board game which I have been commissioned to paint. Prior to digging into the […]