on 07/01/2014 at 11:40 am ×
During the Christmas holidays, for a present I gave myself a day off painting commissions and decided to finish off my Prussian fleet. Honestly I have a few more ships like a carrier and the fighter crafts but I wasn’t worried about them for the moment, I just wanted to get the starter fleet box set and the Dreadnought completed. Well the day was well spent and all the ships were completed.
on 21/11/2013 at 9:00 am ×
Finally had some time to finish of more of my Prussian ships. Was really really wanting to get the Dreadnought completed. For the moment this will be the centerpiece of my army. You can see in the images below the light and dark grey camoflage that i’ve chosen to do the entire fleet in more clearly.
on 12/11/2013 at 10:00 am ×
We’ve been pretty busy in the studio lately with commissions. So busy that I’ve not had time to paint any of my own miniatures in months. What I was in the middle of before the rush of jobs came through was my Prussian Fleet for Dystopian Wars.