
Changes to the Business

Hi everyone, sorry there hasn’t been an update since before Covid! There has been a lot of things that have happened since Covid hit our shores, and in also over the past 6 months – all of which have a bearing on how this business runs.

Unfortunately, over the past 6 month we have encountered many issues which have slowed down our commission schedule and has delayed us taking on new commissions. We have regrettably lost our other commission painters leaving this to be a solo painting studio. I personally have had several medical issues as well has getting Covid. All these issues have meant that that my ability to keep on top of communications, the website and painting have been degraded.

This has been the second time in 12 years of operations where I have run behind schedule to such an extent where I had to completely stop taking on further commissions. I have doubled down and am completing all the existing outstanding commissions.

I am now catching up on the commission schedule and have breathing room to now respond to client emails and update the website regularly. Going forward I will be changing the business model once all my existing commissions have been painted and sent out to all their clients. I will change to a single person commission service only accepting 2-3 commissions at a time before opening to take new commissions (this will ensure that I can meet delivery schedules).

I will also be changing the pricing structure to no longer take discounted full payments and will be making some minor changes to our discounting practice, including introducing a VIP discount for returning clients.

Unfortunately, we will be increasing the price of our commissions, the first time in over 7 years. This is due mainly to the constant price increases of running the business and painting supplies which we have absorbed over the years but unfortunately can no longer.

At the end of the week, I will be posting again on the weekly ‘What’s on the table’ posts so that current clients can see their work in progress. I will also update the commissions schedule at the same time.

I hope that these changes will allow the business to continue to flourish over many more years to come.


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